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The Bond Movie Countdown
#10 - The World Is Not Enough
#11 - The Spy Who Loved Me
#12 - Goldeneye
#13 - Never Say Never Again
#14 - Thunderball
#15 - A View To A Kill
#16 - Diamonds Are Forever
#17 - Tomorrow Never Dies
#18 - Live And Let Die
#19 - The Man With The Golden Gun
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Casino Royale (2006)

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Wednesday, January 08, 2003 :::

Sorry guys!

I know I have readers out there even though I rarely hear from you. I have taken some time off from the countdown because a computer crash totally wiped out my new review. I just couldn't work up the energy to begin again from scratch typing exactly the same thing over. I will continue counting down to number one, but I just needed some time away before commencing the recovery of the next step in the countdown.

The next review will be either my best or worst. Either another iteration will polish it more than the other ones, or I'll be so sick of discussing this particular film that I won't be able to do it justice. Either way, I'll be up and moving after the Superbowl so check back the first week in February.

For my American confreres, Go Bucs!!

::: posted by RDitt at 5:51 PM

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